Flora and fauna

On this page I have put together some of my photpgraphs showing both European Alpine flowers and also flowers from over here in the UK.  I have listed them with names, which is to the best of my knowledge, but should anyone consider they are incorrect then I am happy to be corrected.

Rose bay willowherb (Epilobium angustifolium)

Location Vaud, Switzerland

You see this one quite alot in the UK as well, but it is mentioned in a number of Alpine flora books.  This plant will pretty much grow anywhere especially when there has been alot of ground disruption it can be one of the first plants to grow.

Monkshood (Aconitum)

Location Vaud, Switzerland
Approximate altitude 2000m

Deadly poisonous.  Even to just brush past is said to possibly cause skin irritation.
Field Gentian (Gentianella campestris)

Location Vaud Switzerland
Approximate altitude 1800m

This is pretty similar to our own Chiltern Gentian but it has 4 petals not 5.

It is said some German bitters are made from this plant.
Dwarf Snowbell (Soldanella pusilla). 
A member of the Primrose family.
Location Ötztal Alps

The difference between this and the Alpine Snowbell is the Dwarf Snowbell flowers solitary whilst the Alpine Snowbell flowers in clusters of 1 - 3.

Creeping Azalea (Loiseleuria procumbens).
Heather family.
Location Ötztal Alps.
Flowers between May and August

The creeping Azalea is a typical wind whipped plant growing on the
bare.  mountainsides.  This plant can self fertilize if the pollen from 
another plant is not transported by bees during the day, the stamens will bend against the stigmas and hence self fertilize.

Purple Colts-foot aka Alpine Colts-foot (Homogyne Alpina)    
Location Zell Am See
Said to have medicinal properties
Great Yellow Gentian (Gentiana Lutea)
Location - Obersdorf, Allgau Alps

Flowers July - Aug
Habitat 1100 - 2500m calcoreous soil
It has intense bitter properties which can be found in the root. Before the introduction of hops the plant was dried and used in German biers.
It is found on the back of an Albanian money note with king genius on the other side.
Medicinally it is used the root has been used as a herbal medicine for digestive disorders. It is said if the petals are boiled and smelt thy ease breathing.

Mountain Avens (Dryas Octopetala)
Location - Allgau Alps

Rose family
Flowers May - August
Habitat 800 - 2400 calcareous soil
The specific epithet octopetala derives from the Greek octo (eight) and petalon (petal), referring to the eight petals of the flower, an unusual number in the Rosaceae, where five is the normal number. However flowers with up to 16 petals also occur naturally.

Spiked rampion (white one) Phyteuma
Phyteuma is a genus of around 40 plants, common name rampion.
Rampion features in the 1812 German fairytale Rapunzel. Rapunzel is the name given to a local variety of rampion in the tale. 'Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let your hair down. 

Perennial Cornflower (purple) Centaurea montana
Flowers May - August
Attracts large numbers of butterflies.  Extracts from the plant are often used in conditioners and shampoos and the dried flowers can be included in potpourri.  The flowers are known as an astringent herb, and are sometimes used as an ingredient in treatments for conditions such as oral wounds or ulcers, and conjungtivitis or pink eye.
Alpine butterwort Pinguicula alpina
Flowers May - July
Insectivorous plant which has sticky leaves on which it catches its prey.  It is also helped by having slightly curved leaves which bring more of the glands into contact with the prey to help 

Folk medicine didn't distinguish between various butterwort species, but prescribed them for sores, swelling and liver discease as well as stomach aches amongst other things.  It's supposed effectiveness is due to the cinnamic acid found in the plants.

Spring Gentian (Gentiana Verna)

Flowers March - July

The tale of Spring Gentians is that it is considered unlucky to pick one and whoever does will be struck by lightening.